If you would like to support Christa and I in our efforts to raise money for the Concord Hospital Payson Center Lend Me A Hand please see the link below.

The Lend Me a Hand Fund is a Concord Hospital Trust charitable fund that supports special and unique needs of Payson Center for Cancer Care patients. Monies from the Fund are used to support out-of-pocket expenses for cancer patients in need including transportation costs, prescription and grocery expenses and other items that enhance a patient’s quality of life.

Monday, March 11, 2019


I will not go to bed until I finish this blog. Spent another 2 hours trying to type about my last few weeks and I lost the first page.  I finally realize that I need to start saving my things that I write. It is 10:30  and I'm rather tired but I promised myself that I would not go to bed until I finish this blog. I guess I will make this short and brief...

I called my optometrist at the end of February to see if my new glasses arrived. Just waiting  patiently to hear from them... Figured that the squeaky wheel gets the grease so I called!  It had been over a week! My new glasses were in!!!! I immediately called the Vision Victory Center and asked if they had any openings for this same day. They said that they could not fit me in and that it would be a couple of weeks before I could be seen. The day that they wanted me to come in was the day for my infusion in Boston. I told her that I had just got my new glasses and that I could not make the appointment that they wanted me to come in for because of my appointment in Boston  She  hesitated and then asked me if I could come in at 3 o'clock!. 

I arrived at the Vision Victory Center and waited patiently in the waiting room with others that had vision issues. My doctor came out and asked if she could have my new glasses. I gave them to her and waited. She came out with a prism strip on the top of my right lens and a prism strip on the bottom of my right lens. She asked me to take a walk down the hallway and to look into the top  prism. Wow! My peripheral vision was so much better. She then asked me to look into the bottom part of the prism on my glasses. Amazing! I looked into it and saw a ladies sneaker that was to the right of me. in the waiting room. I could have touched it! NOT!!!! It was a foot away! Why did I have to wait so long for this miracle. There is hope out there for everyone.

Look out Market Basket here I come.No more passing me on the right and I promise not to hit the side of the isles and knock off anymore can goods!
Off to Boston again next week for scans and mor mri's. This is when I get nervous! I take the bus every other week and have my infusions! It will have been one year this April since I have had my treatments. I hate taking the bus and "T" that takes me to MAss. General but I don't have much choice. There are people that travel miles and even fly for this treatment that I am having.  WHY DO I KEEP PUSHING SAVE!!!!!!!!! It is now 11:12.
I think this blog is going to be a go! Will let you know how my scans turn out.If there are any mistakes in my blog.....it's okay and I sure you will understand... Love my friends and family. Just a few photos to share!  Christa and I are ready to walk again. New glasses, new outlook on life and need to complete our 365 day walk! 
Our dearest friends!

My grandchildren that keep me going!

My soon to be my granddaughter! xxoo

I thank god for every day that I am her on this earth!

Going to push the publish button now! I've got this!

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