If you would like to support Christa and I in our efforts to raise money for the Concord Hospital Payson Center Lend Me A Hand please see the link below.

The Lend Me a Hand Fund is a Concord Hospital Trust charitable fund that supports special and unique needs of Payson Center for Cancer Care patients. Monies from the Fund are used to support out-of-pocket expenses for cancer patients in need including transportation costs, prescription and grocery expenses and other items that enhance a patient’s quality of life.

Monday, May 20, 2019

May 19, 2010

I have been really bad about keeping up with my blog  Things have been okay! Trying to walk as much as I can but the weather hasn't been that great for the month of  May and April!  Back and forth to Boston every other week for my treatment. I hate taking the bus, riding the "T" and spending the whole day at Mass. General.  I had my scans last Tuesday and then my treatment on Wednesday.  Scans good once again!!!!! I usually spend  the night at a motel. Scans done on a Tuesday and results and infusion on Wednesday. I have many friends that take turns going with me to Boston! Wish there was someway that I could repay them.

Been down in the dumps lately!!  Some of the side effects from treatment bother me but try not to complain. I guess it is the unknown that gets to me. Just want to be around.....

While sitting on the shuttle going to Boston last week I overheard a gentlemen who was with his wife talking about how he has been going to Boston every week for the last year for his treatments. They live up near Bangor, Maine. Mass General is the best place to go to get treatments.... I am lucky to only be an hour away! I wish I could help this couple!!!

 Why do we complain about the little things in life?????? Why does god give us more than we can bare????  

I am still not driving Prism glasses are working but will wait for my next appointment.

Summer is approaching and that is a good thing!  I am enjoying starting my garden and we will be camping soon.

Wanted to do the Race and Race for cancer last week, but knew that I could not run it like I have had in the past. Hard for me to go there!  My fishing buddy Finn ran the whole race and had my name on his running shorts. So moving to me.

  Finn called me yesterday and said "Bonzo"...  Lets go fishing!  He had his own boat that he had save money for and purchased. He is my fishing buddy and means the world to me! I sat in the canoe with his Dad and got lots of pointers on how to brush up on my casting and trolling! We fished for four hours..  I caught  two bass!!!!!  Getting better at my casting and taking the fish off the hook...

I spend everyday to the fullest and love
being with my family and friends! We all need to reach out to someone that we have not been in touch with for a very long time!  I love you all that continue to follow my blog!


              Finn finished the race in honor                                          of me!!!

                One of my bass that I caught.                   My other other one was much                                           bigger!   


             One of my other fish that I                            caught from a previous fishing                              expedition.