If you would like to support Christa and I in our efforts to raise money for the Concord Hospital Payson Center Lend Me A Hand please see the link below.

The Lend Me a Hand Fund is a Concord Hospital Trust charitable fund that supports special and unique needs of Payson Center for Cancer Care patients. Monies from the Fund are used to support out-of-pocket expenses for cancer patients in need including transportation costs, prescription and grocery expenses and other items that enhance a patient’s quality of life.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

April 22, 2018


Chris and I took the 5 o'clock bust to Boston. He picked me up at 4 o'clock so we could run through Dunkin Donuts. Arrived in Boston a little after six. Lots of walking  to get to the red line Three stops and we arrived at Mass General. Blood work done and ready for infusion. WAITED A LONG TIME!!!! Dr. Sullivan came in and told me that my liver count was elevated and that they were going to hold off  with the infusion. Disappointed but knew that it was the right thing to do. Took my pill that I take everyday (it opens up the cells in my body to kills off the cancer that may be floating around.  Off we went to catch the bus to go home  

I have got to admit that it was fun being with my son and I actually enjoyed seeing some of the sights of Boston.

Went camping last weekend with friends. Good change and I continue to walk daily. I got up early and walk the beach alone... So peaceful and relaxing. Brought my camera! Still trying to focus with my right eye. Will take some practice and time!

Had my blood work done at the Clinic in Concord yesterday and I got a call from Boston today. Liver counts are much better. Head to Waltham Mass next Tuesday to drink two bottles of YUCKY stuff and then a cat scan of my neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis. Boston next Wednesday to see Dr.Sullivan to hear the results of the scan and then another infusion. I am a little nervous to hear the results. It has been a difficult couple of months but I continue to remain positive. It has been the cards, phone calls, visits and support from all of you that keep me going. THANK YOU SO MUCH

Walked 2 miles today and 2 miles yesterday with Christa.
I know I missed a few weeks of walking when I was so sick but will make them up. 
                                 Rock and Race

                               Lisa, Maya and Andy!

Hopes that I can run or walk it next year. Will stay in touch! xxoo

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tuesday night

Hello my dear friends! After coming home from the hospital I had one week to recover at home before going back down to Mass General to talk about continuing with my trial.We needed to cut back the dose as it was too strong for me to tolerate. I was still recovering from my stay in the hospital but decided to continue with the trial. Within two weeks it had taken 20% of my tumor.
Was there for 8 1/2 hours that day with my friend Sandy. Blood work, infusion and lots and lots more blood work drawn.(also continue to take my daily pill and keep a daily log. Spent the night in Boston as I had to return for one more set of blood work at 8:00.

The treatment seems to be working. Still have V.N.A. coming once a week. They are a little concerned about my weight. I have started to eat better these last couple of days and have put on a couple of pounds. Loosing 25 lbs wasn't any fun.

Have started walking with Christa once again. Walked yesterday and today. We also have been riding scooters! I felt kinda down one day and said "If I can;t drive anymore and can't ride a bike then I will find another way that I can get around. SO BE I

Off to Boston tomorrow for another treatment! Chris (my son is going with me this time! He chose to take the bus! Picking me up at 4 a.m.

So glad to have some energy once again. Thanks to my sister Becky and my friend Val for rushing me down to Boston 3 weeks ago. It sure was a close call! Don't really remember much that day! Will have Christa put a few photos of us on the blog tomorrow. Having a hard time loading them!

Thanks again for all of you who have been following our blog! It is good to be back!