If you would like to support Christa and I in our efforts to raise money for the Concord Hospital Payson Center Lend Me A Hand please see the link below.

The Lend Me a Hand Fund is a Concord Hospital Trust charitable fund that supports special and unique needs of Payson Center for Cancer Care patients. Monies from the Fund are used to support out-of-pocket expenses for cancer patients in need including transportation costs, prescription and grocery expenses and other items that enhance a patient’s quality of life.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


I apologize for not writing in my blog 
 sooner. I have been back and forth to Boston for infusions this last past month and also have seen my lung specialist. My doctors feels that he needs to remove the cancerous tumor that is in my left lung as it has grown a little more. They will be removing the lower left lobe of my lung to do this. I will be going in for surgery the second week of November. There for 4 days and recovery period is 4 to 6 weeks.
I am having a hard time with all of this. I want this tumor to be removed but know I may have some medical issues after surgery as my adrenal gland is no longer working.

 I often think of the five stages of grief!


    Maybe it isn't cancer... Could they have read my test results wrong???? So many people are afraid of that word cancer and so am I. I will just go for a second opinion. This can't be happening to me.

2. ANGER: 

     Yes I would admit that I was angry eight years ago when I was first diagnosed with my melanoma AND I
CONTINUE TO BE ANGRY. I have fought my melanoma for eight years and now it has moved to my lung.  I have had three treatments. Interferon, keytruda and now continuing with a new clinical trial... I truly wish this terrible disease would go away from my body and leave me alone.


I promise to exercise, eat healthier foods and take better care of my body. Just give me one more chance. 


 Oh, this is a good one! I have been depressed on and off these last eight years. My doctors have tried to put me on a few medications to help that but I could not tolerate them and I did not like the side effects that these antidepressant were giving me. I try to deal with my health issues on my own. So far so good. Remaining positive and thinking of how fortunate I am to still be here has helped. Another surgery to go. I just have to keep reminding myself that the surgeries are keeping my melanoma at bay.

5. Acceptance: It  has been a hard thing to do. You get up in the morning and thank god for another day and go to bed each night and worry about being here another day. I will never accept my cancer and will keep fighting.  I have to much to do in my life.. My granddaughter is graduating this year. from high school  I WANT TO BE THERE....My son is getting married next year. I WANT TO BE THERE. My Mom's 95th birthday is next year ..I WANT TO BE THERE.
Any one out there that has been battling cancer feels the same way that I do. You keep pushing and fighting each day. We just have so much to live for.

I will remain strong and fight until I can't fight any longer.  Pray for me on the 8th as I continue to remain strong. 
                   My beautiful granddaughter!

My Mom at the age of 93.

My soon to be daughter in law! She is such a love and I am so happy knowing that she will be joining our family.

I am truly blessed to have my friends!