If you would like to support Christa and I in our efforts to raise money for the Concord Hospital Payson Center Lend Me A Hand please see the link below.

The Lend Me a Hand Fund is a Concord Hospital Trust charitable fund that supports special and unique needs of Payson Center for Cancer Care patients. Monies from the Fund are used to support out-of-pocket expenses for cancer patients in need including transportation costs, prescription and grocery expenses and other items that enhance a patient’s quality of life.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Got up early this morning to get an early walk in! Had to be at the hospital by 10 a.m. I tried a solo walk today and was very careful to stay in the middle of the sidewalk and look  about six times before crossing the street.  Not happy! Only got to walk 2.78 miles.  Was running a little late. Did not make it to three. Will try and make that up this week.

A little sore today but the biopsy is done and now we are back to the waiting game. I pray that we can get this mass figured out. Went four months on Keytruda and it did nothing.  It only got bigger. Will wait for a call from my oncologist and go from there. Hope he calls me within this week  as my next appointment isn't until March 5th.
Will take it easy today and will walk tonight with my friend Christa!

Don't ruin a good today by thinking about a bad yesterday, Let it go.

Got home from Maine and knew that I needed to get my walk in. It was drizzling rain  and damp out. Managed to get 3.10 miles in today. Good to get back home where it was warm . Biopsy tomorrow morning of my lung! Keep your fingers crossed!

Quote for the day:

Some people feel the rain, others just feel wet

Took off to the beach today with Valerie, Vanessa and Liz to stay overnight. We celebrated Liz's 60th birthday. Walked on the beach for 3.16 miles with Valerie and Vanessa.  It was sunny and windy
Loved the waves coming in and getting my boots and socks wet. It was cold but so invigorating.  I even found a half of a sand dollar.
We ordered out and played board games. Headed home the next day early due to the bad weather. It was such a good change.

                                                                       I love the ocean!
                               Vanessa, Bonnie, Liz and Valerie
                                My first seagull of the year!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Walked this morning with Christa and I guess you would call it a power walk, We walked 3.43 miles. Cloudy day but not a slippery one! I just feel like a different person right now. Not so worried and know I have to live each day to the fullest and get the most out of it.

                       Look out Rocky ! Here I come
Woke up early this morning and knew that I had to get my results of my MRI. Couldn't eat, nervous as can be and the time could not go by fast enough. Packed my backpack and decided if it was bad news  that I would walk, walk, walk. No destination just needed time to process everything once again.
Got to doctor's and waited patiently in the little room with Steve. The door slowly opened and there was my radiologist looking at me. She apparently had a cold as she had a mask over her face. She stood there and looked at  me and of course I couldn't see any expression on her face. She came over sat down next to me and said "I HAVE SOME GOOD NEW." I felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off my shoulders. My MRI came back fine for now and I will be scheduled for another one in three months. I was like a different person. After six months of bad news, I had finally  heard something positive.
The keytruda as most of you know did not work for my lung and my tumor has got a litter bigger. Have a biopsy next Wednesday of my lung and then thinking of going to Boston to get a second opinion. Need to wait to see what the results are.
I still walked my three miles. Headed down to Tandy's Top Shelf and celebrated with Steve and Lisa.

Want to thank everyone for all the prayers! It means so much to me. People have been donating to Lend ME A Hand    THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Completed another night walk with Christa. It is fun to walk at night. Wanted to get tired as I knew  that I was getting my results of my MRI the next day. Still didn't sleep well. Anyway, we walked 3.02 miles. Trying to stick to 3 miles but would like to do a little more.Hope I get good results!!

Thanks for keeping me laughing Christa!

Quote for the day:

 The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of everyday!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Did another night walk around 6:30. Walked 3.02 miles. It was a warm night for a walk. Can't wait for this week to end. Lots of results of test coming up. Tomorrow is the pet scan of my brain! Keep your fingers crossed for me. Wish  could just have one normal day without worrying. Guess it is okay to have some down days.

Quote for the day: At the end of the day, you can either focus on what's tearing you apart or you can focus on what's keeping you together.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Waked later in the afternoon today with Christa. Had my MRI of my brain around 9:45 Thought it was scheduled for 11. Thank god Christa was home to drive me up to the hospital. Steve was at a doctors appointment. Grabbed my coat and ran to her ca. not knowing that I had the coat hanger hanging off the back of my neck.  Stopped off at Base Camp# 1 to see what was on sale! LIKE CHOCOLATE!

Walked 3.72 miles!

Quote for the day:

 Friends show their love in times of trouble not happiness.
Great day for a walk! Stopped snowing and had a few people join me ! Love it when we get a small group together,
We walked 3.13 miles through the woods! The snow was blowing off the trees. Very slippery at times with the snow covering the ice

Christa, Bon and VAl

Dave, Christa and Bon

Teddy and Ellie joined us!

Walked Saturday 3.64 miles today! Not much new. Lots The more miles I walk the better I feel!Looks like snow tonight. Should be a fun walk tomorow!

Be glad to get rid of the boots winter coats and hats!  317 more days to walk! Piece of cake!

Quote: Try and let go of the thoughts that don' make you strong!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Walked today with Christa  We walked 2.94 miles. Stopped off what we call base camp # 1. This is where we to go in to grab some chocolate or just to get warm. We walked to pick up her car today and stopped off to get a sandwich at In A Pinch! It was a foggy day but not as cold as it has been.

              Our secret base camp # 1                  hideout.

Quote for the day:

 Sometimes we need someone to simply be there not to fix anything, or to do anything in particular, but just to let us feel that we are cared for and supported.

Returned home today from coming back from up north and was not a good girl. Really down because of the bad news that I received on my lung. Keytruda did not help  and the tumor actually got  bigger. Put on my head phones stuck to the sidewalks and walked 4.07 miles. Walked to a clothing store bought a nice jacket and earrings and after a good cry I actually felt better.
Had Steve come and get me as it was getting late. I am learning to turn my head to the right and very careful crossing the street. Really needed a walking buddy but just wanted to be alone.  

Thank you Steve for picking me up!

Quote for the day!

You're allowed to scream, you're allowed to cry, but don't give up!

Went up north for Valentines Day and go to visit my family. Mom was so surprised to see me. Got to see my two sister's Bev and Becky.  Becky and I left mom with the guys to put in my daily walk. We walked 3.02 miles.  Sidewalks really icy up north and it was good to have my sister by my  side. I loved walking around my hometown and reminiscing with my sister about the good old childhood days. Spent the night and took my mom out for breakfast! 93 years old and still never stops. I miss not driving! So hard not seeing her like I used too!
                     Thank you Beck for walking with me. Bet                             Mom wanted to kiss our cold cheeks!

                   Standing in front of the old covered bridge of Lancaster. Thank you Becky! xxoo 

Quote for the day! 

                  Family is like branches on a tree, we all grow                    in different directions yet our roots remain as one!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Had an early walk this morning with Christa. Woke up at 9:00 and walking at 9:30. Took a different route today and our millage was 3.48 miles. Not bad at all!

                                                Chilly this morning! We stepped it up a bit!

Pushed to see a specialist the last couple of days for my eye. Got a call today and on the 28th of this month! This doctor deals with neurological issues!!!!! Maybe I will be able to drive in the future after all. Watch out!

Quote for the day: 

When life's problems seem overwhelming look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Nice day today! Had my cat scan at 8:00 a.m.today! Cried all the way home but am fine now! We  all must remember  that there are people who are worse off then we are and to be thankful for every day that we have in this world. Got home put on my boots, called Christa and said lets walk. She is such a positive person and picks me back up by my boot strappes and always seems to change my negative attitude. We walked 3.05 miles. Forgot to take a picture of our day so I will find one and put one in anyway.


My devoted walking buddy!

Loving the good times and hope that I am making a difference for Lend Me A Hand!

Quote for the day! 
Maybe  can;t stop the downpour but I will always join you for a walk in the rain!

Had a nice walk last night in the rain! Used flashlights and reflectors and walked the back streets. My best friend Val  came along with her dog Teddy. Walked 3.3.1 miles tonight. Did not rain to hard but it sprinkled and it was somewhat cold.

                                      She was right there for me and stayed on my right side! Thanks Val!

Had my cat scan today on my right lung! Now it is a waiting game! See doctor in two weeks and will call in a couple of days.. Why do they make you wait and stress you out!

A little chilly but fun to walk together and make it through another day! Love you guys!

Quote for the day: Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks

Quote for the day: Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks!
Had a great walk in the rain! My friend Val and her dog decided to join us! Lots of puddles and great conversation. I love walking at night. We do the back streets and it is so peaceful. Had my cat scan of my lung today and a little bit nervous. Won't see the doctor for two weeks. Will call and try and get the results tomorrow. Can't stand the waiting! Why do the doctors do that to us????  Anyway we walked  3.31 miles. Have walked 43 days so far. Long ways to go but worth every minute to help Lend Me A Hand!

Christa, Val and Teddy!

Thank you my friends for walking with me tonight!

Quote for the day: 
Sometimes memories sneak out of eyes and roll down my cheeks!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Today was another nice day! I walked through many puddles and almost made three miles. I did 2.79. The no sleeping at night has finally catching up with me. Have a new pill now and it has certainly helping. After my walk I fell asleep on my couch at one o'clock and never woke up to eight this evening. A little nervous about my cat scan on Monday. This will be on my right  lung. THEN......They make you wait two weeks for the results. May call sooner and asked how things are. Anyway. I finished 2.79 miles today and hanging in there. Know some days I will do better. I will walk everyday as I promised.

Feeling better today! Not so tired!
Quote for the day!
When life puts you in tough situations, Don't say "Why Me" say "Try Me"

My son Matt was down for  the weekend so I had a new walking partner. Still not sleeping well but now have a new medication that has helped Hopefully I can get my thyroid under control. It was a fast walk with Bentley. Lots of pulling and stopping but I made my 3 miles.

                   Bentley loves his Nana.

                         We did it Bentley! Thanks for helping me complete my three miles

Quote:     "Hoping is the only thing stronger than fear."


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Got off to a late start this morning! Trouble sleeping last night. Last time I looked at the clock it was 4 a.m. Needed that we needed to walk early this morning. Got a text from Christa around 8 a.m. asking if I was ready to walk as she has a very busy day. Lesft my nightie on, threw on my boots, hat and gloves and headed out the door. Missed my hot cup of coffee but knew it would be something to look forward to when I got back home, Walked 3 miles. It is a cold

Eyes half shut, nightie still on as you can see! I love to embarrass my friend!

Have you ever tried balancing a piece of snow on your head and walk at the same time! Guess that is why I have such terrible posture. The book never worked either  Looks like my chunk of snow is bigger than Christa's
Have walked 39 days so far.....Who is up for joining us sometime! Guaranteed you will have a few good laughs! xxoo

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Had to do a night walk tonight! The snow had stopped but looked like we got over 6 inches or more. We achieved another 3 miles. The snow had turned to a freezing rain and it felt so great hitting my face. Brings back the good old days. We were never afraid to go out in the snow and would stay out in the cold for hours.We would make snow forts, snow angels and we cant forget making a snowmen. After coming in from the cold my mom would always be waiting with a hot cup of coco with a big blob of marshmallow in the center. She would then ask to kiss our red cold cheeks! Oh how I miss those good old days.
Had a treatment yesterday and slept really well last night. The stuff makes you a little tired. I love the challenge that I am now doing as it is great exercise and gives me something to strive for each day! Thank you all for you support! AND thank you Christa for hanging in there with me! It could be a long 365 day!
 Quote for the day! 
Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you!


                                      Have you ever felt freezing rain hitting your tongue! Try it sometime.

You've got this Christa! Just one more mile!

Day 36

February 6, 2018

36 Days and keep trudging!

Walked with Christa this morning and walked 3 miles total. Had a doctor's appointment two for another treatment. Very tired and found out that my thyroid is way off. Have not been sleeping, having the chills and also hot flashes. Glad I got my blood work done. Things should improved.
It was a nice day yesterday but cold. Feels so good to get out. Hard not being able to drive and just get up and go! Remaining stubborn and positive! I've got this


                                    Thinking we will be wearing boots tomorrow due to the big storm!

Monday, February 5, 2018

February 5, 2018

So cold and windy today! Had doctor's appointment today! Not sleeping well and very tired. Blood work done! Thyroid way off due to keytruda! We got out for our walk and my tired feet were dragging. Thank you Christa for pushing me! Only walked 2.20 miles today. Will have days like this I am sure. Slippery in places and lots and lots of puddles. Decided to run through one of them. Hope my sneakers dry by morning!

I even love to try and climb up a snow bank!

Never made it to the top!

February 4, 2018

Did not feel the greatest today but decided we would kick it up a notch. Walked 4.73 miles. In the forties and the sun wash shinning! Big Patriots game tonight! Go Patriots Go! or I say Go Christa and Bonnie Go! We have really got this. Day 35! THREE HUNDRED MORE DAYS TO GO!

February 3 , 2018

Walked 2.84 miles today. Sidewalks somewhat icy.  Looks like we burned 365 calories! Our 34th day of walking. A special day for our family! Christopher and his finance Lisa's birthday today. They got engaged on this special day! More of an incentive to keep walking!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Day 33

What a beautiful sunny day! Windy but so refreshing. We walked exactly 3 miles. Looking forward to tomorrow's walk.

And So It Begins!

Today we start our blog for 365 days of walking!  We started our walk with the Winter Warrior Challenge this January.  We walked at least 3 miles every day in January.  
Here you will see the adventures of Bonnie and her friend Christa as they attempt to walk outside every day this year.  The goal is at least 3 miles give or take a little.  
We will be walking for Lend A Hand (see below for details)
Stay tuned for the Lend A Hand donation page through Concord Hospital
Here we are the moment we decided to walk everyday for 365! 
we are on the wall at runners alley

A Note From Bonnie:
As many of you know, I was diagnosed with melanoma in November of 2010.  They found traces of melanoma in two of my lymph nodes.  I had the melanoma removed and during a year of treatment with interferon I came up with a bucket list of things I wanted to do in my life.  One of these things was to walk 50 miles for Lend A Hand.  I made a promise to myself that I was going to do it.  This foundation does so many great things for people who are dealing with a cancer diagnosis.  I had big plans to do my walk this year but my melanoma returned to my left lung and my brain.  I had brain surgery a week after my diagnosis in September of 2017.  I am now in treatments for my right lung.  Since my brain surgery I lost partial vision in my right eye.  I can no longer drive a vehicle which is discouraging for me. I also need a friend to walk or run by my side.
This January, my friend Christa and I did the Runner's Alley Winter Warrior Challenge for the second year in a row.   We walked in sleet, blizzards, freezing temperatures and did at least 3 miles everyday for 31 days.  It gave me a purpose to keep going and to remain positive.  It got me off the couch and into the fresh air.  It gave me a reason to get up every morning.
So on January 31, our last day of the challenge my friend said "I will walk by your side for 365 days if you would like to walk for Lend A Hand".  So here we are... and so it begins!

A Note From Christa:
I have known Bonnie for 41 years.  Since I was 2 years old.  Bonnie is my mom's very best friend.  To me, Bonnie is a great inspiration of hope and strength.  I am honored to be able to walk beside Bonnie for 365 walks (and many many laughs).  It makes me happy that I can help her achieve her goal of walking for Lend A Hand.  I get to be her second set of eyes and I am honored.
visit our instagram page at www.instagram