If you would like to support Christa and I in our efforts to raise money for the Concord Hospital Payson Center Lend Me A Hand please see the link below.

The Lend Me a Hand Fund is a Concord Hospital Trust charitable fund that supports special and unique needs of Payson Center for Cancer Care patients. Monies from the Fund are used to support out-of-pocket expenses for cancer patients in need including transportation costs, prescription and grocery expenses and other items that enhance a patient’s quality of life.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

February 13, 2019

A quick update on some exciting news. I have an appointment with a specialist that may be able to help me with my vision problem. This place is called Vision Victory. They will try and do all that they can do for me. Talking about a prism on my glasses. If this doesn't work they have another idea that they would like to try. It has been frustrating dealing with the loss of my peripheral issue. Seems like I am always bumping into things. Hate going into a grocery store!!!! Shopping carts to the left of me!!! Shopping carts to the right of me! So overwhelming!!! I am always bumping into things and and have the black and blues to prove it.  I am not going to get my hopes up for next monday but pray that something will help me with my vision problem.  If not, I know that I have done everything possible that I could do and will move on!

Had my infusion and took my friend Sandy with me this time! My times have been moved up to 8:30 which makes such a big difference. An extra hour to sleep!!!!  We can now catch the six o'clock bus and not the five. Poor Sandy! What a trooper! I know how much she hates riding the "T". I even got mixed up a couple of times. Outbound!!!  Inbound!!!!  People every where. I will get it one of theses days!

Had a few bad days this week but bounced right back. Stuffy nose, chills and slight fever. A little run down going back and forth up north to help my mother move her things to assisted care.Thank goodness I have a brother and sister's that have helped with the move. 
We had to find a home for her cat and it breaks my heart. The new owners are wonderful and keep sending us pictures of Mittens. He is in a great home and is much loved. Mom keeps asking for her cat and has finally been tole that is is with me. She is happy about that but wants me to bring him up fo a visit.  UGH! Will make her a photo album of her cat Mittens and will give it to her when I feel the time is right.😟

Decided to get my camera out this afternoon andtake a few pictures. on a cloudy and snowy day. Never use it much anymore. I keep hearing my good friend say to me.. "Use your good eye." A private joke that we have shared. I like going out into Steve's truck and sit there with the window wide open. COLD but invigreatine.  I wait patiently for the birds to come out of the bush and to the bird feeders. Something that I have always enjoyed and it made me feel so happy. Will work on my shutter speed as it is somewhat off. My dad was a wonderful photographer. I loved taking pictures but stopped last year.....
 I think I will try again tomorrow.  Maybe the sun will be out.
 Will stay in touch and let you all know how things went next Monday.... Will need a few prayers...xxoo

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